One of our Residents’ Association colleagues in a nearby ward was recently contacted by a resident, who was concerned that the verges at the side of some local roads had not been cut so far this summer. Havering Council was contacted and sent the following reply –
‘Good afternoon Councillor – I have been informed that the cuts are back on schedule now; our Grounds Maintenance team were taken off the schedule to undertake priority work. The supervisor wishes to extend their apologies to you an any resident affected by the delay, and please be assures that the area will be cut shortly.’
We will keep an eye out to make sure that the verges continue to be cut throughout the growing season.
I LIVE IN Rainham and have done for the last 46 years. I have never known the grass verges to look so bad, the council should surely cut back with grass cutting ever other cut that is due not cut them out complete. Please cut them soon as it all looks so run down. Thank you, a council payer.