During the current health emergency, Havering Council are holding an online briefing every Wednesday evening for all elected local councillors.
Prior to this meeting each political group are able to submit two questions. The questions submitted by the three Residents’ groups for the meeting on Wednesday 13 May are listed below.
Whilst Residents’ Association Councillors fully support the magnificent efforts that council officers and other employees have been making during the current crisis to keep council services functioning, they are becoming increasingly concerned by the continued cancellation of all scrutiny committee meetings. These meetings allow elected members to discuss and question decisions made by the Conservative Administration and are vital to ensuring that democracy continues in local government. Question 6. reflects this concern.
Dear Andrew Blake-Herbert,
Please find below questions form Havering’s Residents Associations:
Residents Group
1. Given that the Government has announced the first steps in the easing of the lock down in England, what steps have the Administration taken to plan for the resumption of more council services and why have Opposition Groups not been engaged in these discussions? In preparation of the plans, has consideration been given to offering Havering residents PPE at competitive rates?
2. As a consequence of the Governments easement on employment restrictions, how has this affected plans to furlough the 300 staff previously identified?
Independent Residents’ Group
3. As a consequence of ELWA reopening, a traffic order is required and a public notice was published in the Romford Recorder on Friday 8th May. However Gerpins Lane opened on Monday 11th May and therefore Friday’s notice would not be implementable. Therefore when and where was the traffic notice published to open the site on Monday 11th May and how is the site coping with demand?
4. Due to the Governments latest relaxation on daily exercise and the proposal of sunbathing etc in parks and open spaces, what enforcement is in place to ensure social distancing is maintained?
Upminster & Cranham Residents Association
5. The Governments latest announcement encourages workers not to travel by public transport and to walk and cycle to work wherever possible. What provision is being put in place to encourage and support enhanced cycle routes for Havering’s employees and residents?
6. In line with the Centre for Public Scrutiny’s expectation that scrutiny should still be taking place, at what point will Havering be stepping into line to ensure the Scrutiny Process is functioning?
Kind regards
Chair of H.R.A Councillor Gillian Ford
Deputy Chair of the H.R.A Councillor Graham Williamson
Leader of the RA Councillor Ray Morgan
Leader of the UCRA Councillor Linda Hawthorn
Leader of the Independent Residents Group Councillor Jeffrey Tucker
Deputy Leader of the UCRA Chris Wilkins