Havering Council has provided an update regarding the current national Census.
The census date, 21 March 2021, has now past but any household who have not completed the census still have up until 04 May 2021 to do so. The census questionnaire is simple, straightforward and safe to complete online, and should take around ten minutes per person. Everyone is required by law to respond to the census. Failure to do so can result in a fine.
People can complete it easily online, but for those who need help, visit visit www.census.gov.uk/help or ring the national helpline number – 0800 141 2021.
A local helpline number – 01708 432 144, is also available at the following times –
- Monday and Thursday from 1pm-7pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am- 4pm
- Saturday from 10am-2pm
Alternatively residents can email libraryservices@havering.gov.uk .
A support centre for Eastern European communities is available on 07869 558 880.
Census Field officers have already been visiting homes in Havering and will continue to knock at doors where records show there has been no response so far to Census communications. However, they will maintain social distancing and none of their representatives will ask to come inside any homes.
Please be aware of bogus callers. As always, if you are concerned that any caller may not be genuine, do not give them any personal information and do not let them into your home.