Havering’s Residents’ Associations (H.R.A), who the Residents’ Association of Emerson Park are members, have released a statement calling upon Havering Council to defend its’ Local Plan by seeking a Judicial Review of a Government Inspector’s instructions.
Following the Inspector’s demand that Havering’s pending Local Plan must effectively replicate the recent London Plan, the changes have now gone out to public consultation. Most changes are minimal but the Inspector has demanded that parking provision for new developments in Havering must be the same as the rest of London.
The Government (and the GLA) has decided that outer boroughs must effectively be viewed and treated the same as inner-London urban boroughs. For example, the Inspector will not allow Havering’s to deviate from the London Plan by having a more generous parking provision for family homes in the majority of our areas. This is important because Havering has far fewer stations and bus routes, and poor connectivity between the north and south of the borough.
To seethe full H.R.A statement and find out how you can express your views via the public consultation that runs until 26 August 2021, see the H.R.A Local Plan link.