Emerson Park Police Safer Neighbourhood Team has offered the following advice regarding vehicle thefts –
Range Rover is the current vehicle of choice for car thieves, followed by Lexus, Mercedes and BMW. These vehicles are fitted with a keyless entry ignition, so you only have to push a button to start the engine.
If your motor vehicle has keyless ignition, please put the fob key(s) into a faraday bag including the spare key. Keep these inside a metal tin and as far away from the front of the house as possible. This helps to cut out the infra-red signal the thieves need to steal your motor vehicle.
Please invest in a crook lock. The type which covers the whole steering wheel, is a good deterrent for car thieves.
Installing posts (telescopic rather than folding) onto your front drive, will also make it more difficult for thieves to steal your motor vehicle.
You could have Ghost 2 Immobiliser fitted into your motor vehicle.
For further advice visit the Metropolitan Police’s crime prevention pages on their website.